Friday, October 29, 2010

some favorite things

the quiet of my house with only faint Praise Baby music playing from the kids' rooms and a snoring dog on the couch.

a sweet girl's smiling face saying "thank you" when i gave her an english muffin and strawberry smoothie this morning.

an energetic boy dressed as buzz lightyear re-enacting all buzz's actions he remembers from his trip to disneyworld.

a helpful husband who folded a load of laundry for me last night.

my last free day where kids are gone until 2pm until . . .


Erica said...

So glad you're back to blogging...I've missed you, my far-away friend! =)

Congrats on your new little blessing! What a precious gift from above!

Carrie said...

Ok I know you're sleep deprived, coming off a hormonal high, mentally unstable, and probably think you're going crazy...but some of us are STARVING for new pics! Heehee. Seriously, WHEN you get a chance...and I realize that may be awhile. If you notice someone peeking through the nursery windows, don't be alarmed--it's just your neighbor trying to see that precious new bundle. Hope everyone is doing well.